Sunday, October 22, 2006

Late, Late late late breaking news.

Back in June, we spent the night on Orcas with Erik and KD, and saw all sorts of interesting things, including PEARS! (which, to cut ahead four months, I will say didn't quite ever ripen. But we have high hopes for next year.)

We also had plums, at least few. They, alas, had all disappeared long before harvest.

Here's Erik, testing the awesome hammock Ian brought back from Brazil a couple years ago. It's in our little glade, and I must say, one of the premier places on earth. That is, the hammock in the glade. Below (I think the formatting of this post will be very, very bad, if the posting itself is any indication . . . ), please witness the very happy Beauty Bush. And below that, sadly, the unhappy weeping willow.


Blogger joel said...

The plums must have ripened. If they hadn't they would still be there with the pears. Nice pics.

7:03 PM  
Blogger KateMV said...

Beautiful! I can't wait to see it all.

4:52 AM  

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